Best in Tests
The Danish independent Danish Agricultural Advisory Service have tested BT oil presses, Farmet Duo oil presses, Hybren oil presses, SWEA oil presses and finally the swedish Täby oil presses.
The test have been made with rapeseed (Canola). BT Oil Press type 30, 50 and 60 have all been placed in top the National Centre FarmTest because of the low dust content in the oil – inclusive the greatest net benefit from the pressed rapeseed.
Upon the conclusions in the Farm test. BT delivers some of the best oil expellars, that gives the highest yield of oil per kg. rape, and the least amount of dirt per. kg. oil.
FarmTest is informative in studies of new technology and new methods of Danish agriculture.
The studies are carried out in close cooperation between the Danish Agricultural Advisory Service, suppliers of new technology, research and experimental institutions, local advisers and farmers.
See the Farm Test report here (in Danish).